Household & Business Insurance
Household Insurance
Your family is the most precious thing for you and we understand it. We want to help you protect it :
- Mortgage and depts payment
- Protecting a personal or family lifestyle
- Tax payments due on death
- Property liquidity to offer
Business Insurance
Severe health problems of a key person can have a heavy impact on your business and possibly disastrous financial impact. With the right insurance policies, unfortunate events can be avoided.
- Easier transition after a death or important sickness of a key business member
- Being able to fund a buy-sell agreement
- Taking care of the business during invalidity
- Repay corporate debt
Wealth Transfer
Inheritance transfer represents the final stage of your retirement plan. Several objectives can be in mind during your transfer of wealth:
- Financial support for your children's future
- Create a foundation for an organization
- Donate charity to a significant organization
- Allow an efficient transfer to your heirs
Another approach to fund such objectives is life insurance. It can become an efficient investment vehicle and can have considerable advantages over other investment vehicles.
Usually, these vehicles can be used to gain compounded tax-free growth, while the deceased benefit provides an untaxed important lump sum.
It gives you a net rate of return which is frequently hard to match in traditional investment vehicles.